Sociedad Protectora
animales de marruecos
La Sociedad Protectora de Animales
de marruecos

Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco

Domestic Animals Diseases​

Common Animals Diseases in Morocco

Is your pet sick?

Your companion animal suffers from a particular disease and you want to know more? La Sociedad Protectora de Animales de Marruecos has designed some information sheets to help you understand these diseases and the interventions they involve.

If your animal shows abnormal signs, please do not seek recommendations from people or social media but take them to a veterinario.

Common Dog Diseases in Morocco

Canine parvovirus, Carre’s disease, Leishmaniasis, Leptospirosis, Mange, Para Influenza, Parvovirus, Rabies, and Rubarth’s hepatitis, are among the common illnesses dogs may develop in Morocco.

Pups of all ages can suffer from various medical problems, so owners need to learn the common conditions, how to spot them, and tips for treating them.

Keep reading to find out everything you need to know

Common Cat Diseases in Morocco

You know your cat better than anyone, you can see that he is not the same as usual. But it is not always easy to spot a problem. AIDS, Coryza, Typhus, Rabies, Toxoplasmosis
Learn to detect the symptoms, causes, and how to treat them.

Few other Diseases

Veterinary Disclaimer:
This website contains general advice on those animal-related matters which, in the HSM’s experience, affect animal lovers and pet owners most often. Unfortunately, it is not possible in the context of the website to consider individual situations or unusual problems or circumstances. If you are concerned about the welfare of a particular animal, you should seek further advice and assistance from your vet, the Humane Society of Morocco, or another appropriate expert. While we try to ensure that the information within this site is accurate, we can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the site content.
Find out more aquí.

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