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Why Neuter

Why neuter your dog?

Neutering is the general term used for the surgical removal of the reproductive organs in both male and female dogs.

  • Castration is the removal of the testicles of the male dog.
  • Spaying is the removal of the ovaries and uterus of the female dog.

Neutering may improve some behaviours in your dog.

  • Neutering male dogs may decrease the likelihood of undesirable behaviours such as scent marking and straying.
  • Neutered dogs are less likely to show certain behaviours, such as looking for potential mates or otherwise being distracted by unneutered dogs whom they may feel in competition with. Neutering might therefore be helpful with training, as neutered dogs are potentially less distracted by unneutered dogs in class or when out in public.
  • Roaming behaviour may be increased in entire male and female dogs where a female is in season. These mate-seeking behaviours could present a safety risk, for example, if your unneutered male dog attempted to cross a busy road to reach a female who was in season, consequently neutering may reduce this risk.
  • Speak to your vet to find out how neutering may impact your dog as an individual.


Neutering improves the overall health of your dog whether it’s male or female. It can remove health risks associated with pregnancy, some cancers and fatal infections.


Neutering can help to save money by preventing the unnecessary costs of unplanned pregnancies and raising puppies. It also reduces large vet bills associated with certain illnesses

Benefits of neutering for female dogs

  • Female dogs usually come into season for about 3 weeks, twice a year. Around this time they can get pregnant and normally will produce a bloody discharge. Whilst in season they may act strangely by trying to run away in search of a mate so will need to be kept away from male dogs. Neutering avoids the inconvenience and mess of having seasons.
  • Pregnancy and giving birth can be a health risk by putting your dog at risk of complications. Dogs can suffer from phantom pregnancies which can cause both behavioural and health problems.
  • Neutering can prevent some cancers and womb infections (pyometra) which can be very expensive to treat and potentially fatal.
  • Unneutered female dogs are at a higher risk of developing mammary tumours.

Benefits of neutering for male dogs

  • Neutering can prevent behavioural issues such as scent marking and straying.
  • Neutered males may be less likely to show aggression towards other dogs or be the target of aggression from other dogs.
  • Neutering reduces the risk of prostatic disease and certain cancers that can be costly to treat at a vet and in some cases fatal.
  • Male dogs’ behaviour can also change greatly when a local bitch is in season – they may be desperate to escape, even running into busy roads or jumping from high windows – to find a mate.

If your dog is neutered, engrave “I am neutered” on their ID tag as it may act as a deterrent against dog theft or your municipality dog pound to catch them.

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