
Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco



Our Story

摩洛哥人道协会 (SPA du Maroc) is a registered charity organization dedicated to promoting the human-animal bond and the humane treatment of all animals.

We work towards creating a truly humane society based on compassion and shared responsibility. We envision a community in which every companion animal has a home – a community in which people highly regard and care for their animals and all other animals. Our foundational belief is that people will make good decisions for animals when they are treated with kindness and understanding, and when they have enough information and resources.

摩洛哥人道协会 believes in working to improve our community by creating new, loving families, and building a world where there are no more homeless and unwanted animals. This is an ongoing process — for every animal we can connect with a new family, another animal in need comes to us.

As a private, nonprofit, the HSM relies on the generous support of animal lovers, grants, bequests, and service fees. The HSM is not affiliated with any other animal welfare organizations and we do not receive government funding.

We are guided by Animal Rights ideals and committed to seeking the best possible outcome for animals in our care and the community we support.

In 2020, the Board of Directors, and an all-new leadership team led by President and Founder Ali Izddine, committed our organization to become a completely new organization. We are focused on being a true community-driven animal welfare organization that follows, and even leads, in employing and developing best practices for animal wellbeing. We know that so much of the work begins in the community and are deeply committed to working with partner organizations, government agencies, and concerned community members.

Our Vision

We envision a future when all animals have the support, care, and human connections needed to lead healthy, rewarding lives.


Our mission is to champion the well-being of all animals and strengthen companion animalsbond with the people who know, love, and need them.

Position Statement

The following Humane Society of Morocco Position Statements were approved by the HSM Board of Directors on February 4, 2022


摩洛哥人道协会 opposes inhumane methods ofpestcontrol where death is not instantaneous. 摩洛哥人道协会 encourages utilizing non-lethal methods for preventing and managing animal species classified aspestswherever possible.


摩洛哥人道协会 recognizes the issue that large groups of roaming dogs can pose to community members, especially children. Dog culls occur predominately after a dog bite incident; free-roaming dogs are shot to reduce the overall dog population and improve public safety. 摩洛哥人道协会 strongly opposes dog culls as a method of population control and community safety measures. We advocate for humane dog population management methods and that community leadership must apply TNVR, or Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Release, as the only way to reduce the stray dog population in Morocco and protect public health. We strongly believe the One-health approach is the best way to control rabies and that dog culls are not the answer but specifically tailored management programs are the solution. Euthanasia as an act of inducing death humanely must be applied only when no other options are available (incurable illness or injury). 摩洛哥人道协会 is working on reducing barriers to accessing humane dog population management methods for communities to eliminate the need for dog culls in communities.


摩洛哥人道协会 recognizes the need for dog population management. As an animal welfare organization, the Humane Society of Morocco supports humane dog population management strategies that lead to improved dog welfare and human well-being, and that are sustainable in the long term. 摩洛哥人道协会 aims to build long-term relationships built on trust with community leadership and members. Regarding humane dog population management strategies, the Humane Society of Morocco takes the following positions:

  1. Sterilization: 摩洛哥人道协会 supports the surgical sterilization of dogs by licensed veterinarians using appropriate anesthesia and analgesia.
  2. Removal of dogs (dog pulls): 摩洛哥人道协会 does not support the removal of dogs from communities without consent from the dog’s owner or community leadership.
    • All dogs removed from the community must be removed with written consent from the owner or community leadership.
    • 摩洛哥人道协会 aims to keep pets with their families; we accept relinquished dogs with medical distress.


摩洛哥人道协会 is a strong supporter of the surgical sterilization of dogs, cats, and rabbits by experienced veterinarians using appropriate anesthesia and analgesia. 摩洛哥人道协会 believes that spaying and neutering are essential to responsible pet ownership. All dogs, cats, and rabbits adopted from the Humane Society of Morocco are sterilized before being adopted out to a new home.


摩洛哥人道协会 opposes the use of euthanasia as a method for population control. 摩洛哥人道协会 makes every effort to avoid euthanizing animals and only employs accepted humane methods to do so.

摩洛哥人道协会 follows a no-kill philosophy, which is based on saving all animals that come to us. We believe that no healthy, treatable, behaviorally sound animal should have to be euthanized in our community. We only reserve euthanasia for animals whose prognosis is poor and whose quality of life is compromised or those that pose a danger to public safety. We are working towards this goal by supporting other associations and those. Our commitment to this philosophy is evident in our live release rate of 99.9% for the animals under our care. We can have this excellent outcome by having programming and activities centered on our four pillars of focus which are prevention, retention, placement, and education.


摩洛哥人道协会 opposes pet breeding solely for profit and without proper regard for the health and safety of the animals. Such examples range from backyard breeders to large-scale puppy mills, who seek financial gain over the well-being of the individual animals.


Animal abuse registries are an important law enforcement tool and screening mechanism to protect animals from harm. 摩洛哥人道协会 supports the creation of a national animal abuse registry and calls on all levels of government to work together to create a comprehensive registry accessible by law enforcement and those organizations that sell or offer to adopt animals to the general public (such as animal shelters and pet stores).


摩洛哥人道协会 opposes the amputation of tails on canines for aesthetic and showing purposes. 摩洛哥人道协会 does not oppose the docking of a dog’s tail when deemed medically necessary by a certified Veterinarian.


摩洛哥人道协会 opposes dog’s ears cropping for aesthetic and showing purposes. 摩洛哥人道协会 does not oppose dog’s ear(s) cropping when deemed medically necessary by a certified Veterinarian.


摩洛哥人道协会 supports the tattooing practice of the ears of canines and felines as a permanent identification means, only when done by a certified veterinary professional, using proper anesthesia and analgesia. 摩洛哥人道协会 does not support clamp tattoos usage as a means of identification.

摩洛哥人道协会 supports the practice of microchipping canines and felines subcutaneously, as a means of permanent identification, only when done by a certified veterinary professional, with the recommendation of using proper anesthesia and analgesia methods.


摩洛哥人道协会 opposes intensive confinement practices found within industrialized agriculture. Such practices often see hundreds to thousands of species housed within a single area, where their ability to move, walk, or display natural behaviors is greatly restricted.

Position Statement Regarding Wild Animals, Exotic Pets and Presentations:

Approved by the HSM Board of Directors in November 2021

摩洛哥人道协会 does not support the transportation and use of exotic animals in traveling displays, educational presentations, or for entertainment purposes. Exotic animals not only pose a public safety risk during interactions, but they also force non-domesticated species to be displayed in unnatural, stress-inducing environments. 摩洛哥人道协会 feels that the handling and parading of exotics in unconventional settings promotes ownership, rather than conservation, of complex, misunderstood, and sometimes dangerous animals.


摩洛哥人道协会 opposes the farming of animals in Morocco for their fur.

The following HSM Position Statements were approved by the HSM Board of Directors on July 05, 2021


摩洛哥人道协会 opposes the use of carriage horses, poneys or camels for entertainment purposes. Numerous reports have surfaced nationally showing carriage horses succumbing to their exhaustion, as well as retired carriage horses being bid on by meat buyers at horse auctions.


摩洛哥人道协会 opposes the live exportation of purposely bred draft horses to international destinations like Japan for human consumption.


摩洛哥人道协会 opposes the purchasing of horses and donkeys from auctions to send them to slaughter within Morocco. Compromised, geriatric, and companion horses and donkeys are among those purchased, and go on to travel vast distances to one of Morocco’s nationally approved equines slaughterhouses. 摩洛哥人道协会 feels that this industry is not regulated strongly enough, and therefore has the potential to cause severe human health risks and severe equine welfare concerns.

PMU Farming:

摩洛哥人道协会 opposes the practice of keeping a mare pregnant and confined within a stall during her entire pregnancy, to collect her urine (Pregnant Mare Urine) for pharmaceutical use.


The HSM supports training methods that revolve around how each animal processes and learns about their environment. As such, the HSM utilizes humane teaching methods in an environment that promotes kindness and respect for the welfare of the animal.

When training, the HSM supports the use of positive reinforcement methods such as treats and play rewards and does not support methods of handling that evoke fear or inflict pain.

The HSM is opposed to any training equipment that causes an animal to experience physical discomfort or undue fear or anxiety. Such examples include pinch collars, shock collars, water spraying, electric fences, and more.


摩洛哥人道协会 supports service animal usages such as guide dogs and therapy dogs as well as emotional support animals when positive reinforcement methods are used to train them and their use as service animals does not harm them. 摩洛哥人道协会 acknowledges the pivotal role these animals can play in maintaining a person’s overall well-being and calls on all levels of government to further regulate and protect these animals and those who rely upon them.


2020 年 HSM 董事会批准

摩洛哥人道协会 opposes legislation or practices that are intended to silence whistleblowers from revealing animal abuses and make it more difficult to enforce animal protection laws, which decreases the welfare of animals by targeting those advocating on their behalf. 摩洛哥人道协会 calls on all levels of government to instead strengthen animal protection laws, take meaningful steps to increase enforcement of those laws and protect whistleblowers.


Approved by the HSM Board of Directors on February 17, 2020

摩洛哥人道协会 understands the dire need for local and international conservation efforts to be employed by accredited organizations, to mitigate habitat destruction and species extinction. As such, the HSM acknowledges that accredited non-profit zoological facilities and aquariums do have a role to play in conservation and public education initiatives.

The HSM applauds facilities that hold a primary focus on the following mandates:

  • Preserve and restore endangered species populations through captive breeding and release programs;
  • Support the investigation of cruelty cases involving exotic animals requiring specialized care;
  • Financially support and partner with global conservation programs;
  • Educate the public on the needs of wild animals, and their ecosystems, and how to help.

摩洛哥人道协会 strongly encourages existing accredited zoological facilities to shift their focus away from displaying live animal species as a means of public education. Rather, the HSM encourages such facilities to focus on launching local and global animal conservation initiatives, while simultaneously acting as refuges and sanctuaries for un-releasable wildlife and confiscated exotic pets.

具体来说,HSM 鼓励认可的动物设施通过以下方式进行转型:

  • 根据其物种生存计划,仅繁殖被列为濒危物种,包括将后代重新引入野外的计划;
  • 提供更大规模的公共教育展示,强调气候变化、栖息地破坏以及公众可以采取的适当行动方针等主题;
  • 考虑到各种动物形成的复杂而持久的母性和社会关系,以及将动物分离和运送到其他设施时产生的心理影响;
  • Exceed currently accepted industry standards as they relate to the training and husbandry of all animals within zoological facilities, including the ability to allow all housed species to carry out their most basic instincts like flying, migrating, burrowing, foraging, etc.;
  • 作为不可释放的野生动物的庇护所,以及摩洛哥各地可能发现的数千种不适当的外来宠物的避难所;
  • 承诺停止将展示动物(包括爬行动物)运出场外,在开展教育项目时将其用作活体道具。

摩洛哥人道协会 strongly opposes facilities that display wild animals and the primary business is to profit from public interaction and viewing of the displayed animals. These types of activities have no place in a humane and respectful community.
