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Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco
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Consejos para recaudar fondos

Fundraising terms and conditions

We are very grateful that you have chosen to fundraise for the HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO as we could not carry on our vital work without your support. The tips below are intended to help you carry out your fundraising; please read them carefully before you start to fundraise.

  1. You may wish to fundraise for the national HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO, registered charity number 219099 or you may instead wish to fundraise for your local HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO Branch, a separate, volunteer-run charity with its own charity number. To find out about your local HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO branch visit: Your local HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO
  2. You should display the applicable registered number of the charity you are fundraising for.
  3. As an independent supporter (as opposed to an employee or paid fundraiser for the HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO) please note that should refer to your fundraising as being ‘in aid of(and not ‘on behalf of’) the HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO. This means you do not represent the charity.
  4. In law, you will be a trustee of any funds raised and must ensure that all donations and sponsorship money from your event is paid to the HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO. You must inform potential donors if any amount or percentage of the funds you raise will not be paid to the charity.
  5. You may need to carry out a health & safety risk assessment for your event and to ensure that all participants are fully briefed and adequately supervised. Depending on the nature of your event, you may need insurance to cover your liabilities.
  6. You understand that if you do something that threatens or damages the name or reputation of the HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO we will ask you to stop fundraising immediately.
  7. You may need a license for your activity or event e.g. a license from the local authority to collect funds on the street, in a public place, or by going from house to house.
  8. Depending on the nature of the activities at your event, you may need to account to Moroccan Taxes Administration in respect of VAT or income tax.
  9. If you are collecting personal information from donors, remember that there are requirements under the Data Protection Act 1998 relating to how you deal with that information.
  10. Please encourage eligible donors/sponsors to make gift aid declarations. This will make the most of your fundraising efforts by enabling us to recover basic rate tax on their donations.
  11. You may only use fundraising materials that you have a right to copy and use. You will need our written consent to reproduce the HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO name, acronym, and lozenge logo (all registered trademarks) yourself, and to use certain HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO copyright materials. Apply to use HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO trademarks and materials.
  12. We would like to receive photographs of your eventif you wish to share these with us, please email them to información en spadumaroc punto com and we will use them to promote our work.
  13. If you are under 18, your parent/guardian takes responsibility for you under these T&C (which you have shown them), please also ensure they are happy about what you’ve chosen to do.
  14. If you no longer wish to receive hints and tips about your event(s) and/or you wish to change your communication preferences or find out information on how we use your data, including details of our Privacy Policy, please contact our Supporter Services Team on +212 (0) 644 645 918.

Queries? Please contact us at información en spadumaroc punto com if you are unhappy with any of our services, we also operate a complaint-handling procedure If you no longer wish to receive hints and tips about your event(s) and/or be kept informed about future HUMANE SOCIETY OF MOROCCO events, please email información en spadumaroc punto com or call +212 (0) 644 645 918.