Sociedade Protetora
Animais de Marrocos
A Sociedade Humanitária
de Marrocos

Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco

Getting A Dog When Working Full Time

Are you considering getting a dog but work away from home full time? Discover our advice.

Dogs are social animals and as a general rule, are happiest and most content when they are with their family groups because many of them bond strongly with their owners.

While you can introduce dogs to spending time alone, you should avoid leaving them for longer than they can cope with, as they may show separation-related behaviors due to being uncomfortable on their own or bored.

If you think you would like to have a dog but you’re working away from them from 9-5 (or any other shift pattern), then you need to consider whether you do have the time for them.





