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Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco
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Animais de Estimação Exóticos

Animais de Estimação Exóticos

A Humane Society of Morocco apoia limitações quanto ao número e tipo de animais exóticos que podem ser mantidos como animais de estimação. Além disso, a Humane Society of Marrocos opõe-se fortemente à captura de animais selvagens para cativeiro, para fins de entretenimento ou companhia. A nossa organização continua a defender os mais elevados padrões de bem-estar possíveis para todos os animais mantidos como animais de estimação, independentemente da espécie. Como muitos animais exóticos têm necessidades de criação complexas e altamente específicas, encorajamos os potenciais proprietários a procurarem a companhia de animais que provaram prosperar quando sob cuidados humanos.

Exotic pets in Morocco

Exotic pet trafficking in Morocco is a concerning issue, driven by the demand for unique and rare animals as pets.

Despite legal restrictions and conservation efforts, the illegal trade in exotic animals persists, fueled by profit motives and a lack of enforcement.

Purchasing exotic pets contributes to this destructive industry, perpetuating the exploitation and suffering of wildlife.

It also poses significant risks to both the animals and their owners. Exotic pets often have specialized needs that are challenging to meet in a domestic setting, leading to improper care, stress, and health problems for the animals.

Additionally, exotic pets can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans, posing public health risks.

Furthermore, the demand for exotic pets encourages poaching and habitat destruction in their native environments, threatening already vulnerable species with extinction.

Therefore, it is crucial for us, the Humane Society of Morocco, to discourage the purchase of exotic pets and instead promote responsible stewardship of wildlife through education, conservation, and support for reputable sanctuaries and rescue organizations.

Tome uma atitude

  • Educate yourself and your friends about how exotic pets are obtained and raised.
  • Ask for humanely raised pets if buying.
  • Consider not getting any exotic pet.

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