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Why Dog Insurance is Important

Why dog insurance is important?

You never know what’s around the corner, so having pet insurance is an important part of being a responsible dog owner. Vet bills can be significant, and may be difficult to deal with if they’re unexpected.

Dog insurance costs will vary depending on your pet’s age, breed, any existing conditions and where you live. When choosing a policy, make sure you research the different policies available and how these fit into your lifestyle and financial situation.

Some examples of the different types of cover available:

  • Lifetime – this type of plan will allow you to claim for continual/lifelong conditions. For example, if your dog developed diabetes for the first time after taking out this policy they would then be covered under the policy for the rest of their life. There may be a cap on the total you can claim in a year, which will refresh every year, when your policy is renewed.
  • Time-limited – this type of plan provides cover for a set period, usually 12 months. After this, the illness or condition is excluded from your cover, meaning you will need to plan to pay the costs relating to this specific illness / condition from that point on. If you’ve claimed for an illness or condition from one policy, it would then be classed as a pre-existing condition by other insurance providers.
  • Maximum benefit – this type of plan provides cover up to a pre-set limit per condition. Once you reach the limit the condition is not covered anymore and would be classed as a pre-existing condition by other insurance providers.
  • Third party Liability – this type of plan only covers injury to someone else’s dog or damage to their property, caused by your dog. It won’t cover your own dog’s treatment if they are injured. This may also cover you for legal representation in the event of a prosecution.

All pet insurance policies have varying terms and conditions, make sure you read them carefully. Some may have specific restrictions, like on the time limit for a claim. Some may cover extras, like the cost for prescription diet food. If you have any questions, contact your chosen insurer to make sure you choose the right policy for you and your pet.

This information is intended for general guidance only.

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