الجمعية المغربية
لحماية الحيوانات
Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco

What Is Poisonous To Your Dog

What is poisonous to your dog​?

We assume no liability for the content of the following list. This does not represent a complete list of all poisonous plants and is only intended as a guide. Please contact your veterinary surgeon for advice or treatment immediately if you think your pet has eaten any of the following plants and is showing a bad reaction. Your pet may also have a sensitivity or allergy to a plant that is not on the list, so always be vigilant and seek help if you are worried about your pet’s health.

List of common potentially poisonous household and garden substances –as supplied by the Veterinary Poisons Information Service (VPIS)

Potentially poisonous household substances
  • Anticoagulant rodenticides: difenacoum, bromadiolone, brodadiolone, coumatetralyl
  • Ibuprofen: Nurofen, Advil
  • Metaldehyde: Slug bait
  • Human oral contraceptives (very low toxicity)
  • Chocolate / theobromine
  • Diclofenac sodium (a similar drug to Ibuprofen)
  • Salbutamol: Ventalin inhalers
  • Alphachloralose rodenticides
  • Paraquat
  • Wallpaper paste (very low toxicity)
  • Borax / Boric acid ant-killer gels
  • Bonemeal
  • Glyphosate based herbicides
  • Asprin
  • Cannabis
  • Batteries
  • Bendiocarb: powder ant killers
  • White spirit/barbecue lighter fluid
  • Antifreeze
  • Loperamide: anti-diarrhea drugs
  • Bleach
  • Pyrethrin-based insecticides
  • Creosote
  • Temazepam
  • Xylitolthis is a sugar-free sweetener commonly found in many chewing gums, sweets, foods, oral rinses, toothpaste and supplements.
Potentially poisonous plant substances
Common nameBotanical nameDetails (if known)
Aconite (roots, foliage, seeds)Aconitum speciesToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. May also affect cardiac function – increased heart rate.
African violet (leaves)Saintpaulia ionantha 
Aloe veraAloe veraإسهال
Amaryllis (bulbs)Hippeastrum speciesUpset stomach, hyperactivity, lethargy, coma, shock. Can be fatal.
Angels’ trumpetsBrugmansia speciesToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Angel wingsCaladium speciesUpset stomach, oral irritation, asphyxiation, tremors, seizures, loss of balance. Can be fatal.
Apple (seeds)Malus speciesSeeds contain cyanide. Varied toxic effects.
Apple leaf croton  
Apricot (kernels)Prunus armeniacaKernels contain cyanide. Can be fatal.
ArborvitaeThuja speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy.
Arrow grasses (leaves)Triglochin species 
Asparagus fernAsparagus setaceusContains a wide variety of poisons resulting in a large range of symptoms.
Autumn crocusCrocus speciosusVomiting, nervous excitement. May cause dermatitis.

Avocado (fruit &


Persea americanadiarrhea, vomiting, laboured breathing. Can be fatal.
Azalea (all parts)Rhododenron occidentale

Nausea, vomiting, depression, difficulty breathing and coma. Can be fatal if eaten in large enough


Baby’s breathGypsophila paniculata 

Barilla (leaves &


Salsola soda 
Bay treesLaurus nobilisCan cause vomiting and diarrhea

Bird of paradise


Strelitzia reginaeThe gastrointestinal tract is affected by plant toxins.
BittersweetCelastrus angulatusToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Bleeding heart (foliage, roots)Dicentra formosaPoisonous in large amounts, contains convulsants. May also cause dermatitis.
BluebellHyacinthoidesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Box (leaves)Buxus sempervirens 
Boxwood (leaves, twigs)Hebe odoraUpset stomach, heart failure, excitability or lethargy. May also cause dermatitis.
BrackenPteridium aquilinumThiamine deficiency, acute haemorrhagic syndrome, blindness, tumours
BroomCytisus species 

Buckeyes (nuts &

immature growths)

Aesculus speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Burning bushKochia scopariaToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. May cause a skin allergy.
ButtercupRanunculus speciesJuice may severely injure the digestive system. May also cause dermatitis.
CaladiumCaladium species 
Calico bushKalmia speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Calla lily (leaves)Zantedeschia species(as above)
Caper SpurgeEuphorbia lathyris 
Cardinal flowerLobelia cardinalis 
Castor bean (leaves and seeds)Ricinus communisMay cause dermatitis. A single Rosary pea or one/two Castor bean seeds can be fatal.
CerimanMonstera deliciosaCauses diarrhea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis.
Chenille PlantAcalypha hispida 
Cherry (kernels)Prunus speciesKernels contain cyanide.
Cherry laurelPrunus laurocerasusHarmful if eaten in quantity.
China BerryMelia azedarach 
Chinese evergreenAglaonema 
Christmas rose (leaves, roots)Helleborus nigerHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Chrysanthemum (leaves & stems)Chrysanthemum speciesMay cause dermatitis.
CinerariaSenecio species 
ClematisClematis armandiiThe gastrointestinal tract and nervous system are affected by plant toxins. May cause dermatitis.
Cocoa husks or mulch 

Similar toxic effects to that of chocolate –

hyperactivity, increased heart rate. Can kill if enough is eaten.

Corn cockle (seeds)Agrostemma speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Corn plantDracaena species 
CrocusAnemone species 
 Colchicum autumnale 
CrotonCodiaeum species 
Crown vetchCoronilla varia 
Cuckoo pintArum maculatumToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. May cause a skin allergy.
CrowfootAnunculus species 
CycadsEncephalartos species 
CyclamenCyclamen speciesGastrointestinal tract affected. Convulsions and paralysis.
Daffodil (bulbs)Narcissus speciesNausea, vomiting, diarrhea. May also cause dermatitis. Can be fatal.
DaphneDaphne speciesGastrointestinal tract and kidneys are affected. May cause dermatitis.
DaturaBrugmansia species 
Deadly nightshadeAtropa belladonnaToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Delphinium (seeds, young plants)Delphinium speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Devil’s figSolanum hispidiumHarmful if eaten in quantity.
DieffenbachiaDieffenbachia species

Causes diarrhea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. Tremors, seizures, loss of

balance, asphyxiation. Can be fatal.

Dragon treeDracaena speciesVomiting and diarrhea.
Dumb caneDieffenbachia amaenaCauses diarrhea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. Tremors, seizures, loss of balance, asphyxiation. Can be fatal.
Dwarf morning gloryConvolvulus tricolorHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Easter lilyLilium longiflorum(Especially poisonous to cats).
EchiumEchium speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy.
Elder (leaves, root, bark)Sambuccus species 
ElderberrySambucus canadensisNausea and vomiting.
Elephant earsBergenia speciesIntense burning, irritation and swelling of the mouth and throat. If the tongue swells enough to block air passage can be fatal.
English ivy (berries & leaves)Hedera helixGastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis.
European spindleEuonymus europaeusHarmful if eaten in quantity.
False hellebore (roots, seeds, leaves)Veratrum albumToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Fig TreesFicusSpeciesCan cause gastrointestinal and skin irritation
Flannel flowerPhylica plumosaHarmful if eaten in quantity.
FlaxLinum usitatissimumHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Foxglove (leaves, seeds)Digitalis speciesToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
FritillaryFritillaria species 
Fruit salad plantMonstera deliciosaCauses diarrhea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis.
GaultheriaGaulthera mucronataHarmful if eaten in quantity.
GeraniumGeranium species 
German ivy (berries & leaves)Delairea odorataGastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis.
German primula Toxic if eaten. May cause skin allergy.
Glory lilyGloriosa superbaToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Golden chain (seed capsules)LaburnumToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Granny’s bonnetsAquilegia vulgarisHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Heavenly bambooNandina domestica 
HelleboresHelleborus species 
HeliotropeHeliotropum arborescens 
HemlockTsuga species 
HenbaneHyposcyamus nigerToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
HibiscusHibiscus species 
Holly (berries)Ilex speciesUpset stomach, tremors, seizures, loss of balance.
Horse chestnut (nuts, leaves)Aesculus hippocastanumHarmful if eaten in quantity.
HostaHosta SpeciesCan cause vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain
Hurricane plant (bulb)Monstera deliciosaVaried toxic effects. Causes diarrhea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis.
Hyacinth (bulbs)Hyacinthus orientalisHarmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy.
HydrangeaHydrangea species 
Iris (roots)Iris speciesSevere digestive upset. May cause dermatitis.
Ivy (entire plant)Hedera helixHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Jack in the pulpitArisaema speciesCauses burning to the mouth. Can cause hallucinations.
Japanese spindleEuonymus sieboldianusHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Japanese yewTaxus species 
Jessamine (berries & sap)Cestrum speciesDigestive disturbance. The gastrointestinal tract and nervous system are affected. Can be fatal.
Jerusalem Cherry (immature growths)Solanum pseudocapsicumGastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis.
Jimson weed (Thorn Apple)Datura stramoniumAbnormal thirst, distorted sight, delirium, incoherence, coma. Can be fatal.
Jonquil (bulb)Narcissus species 
JuniperJuniperus species 
KalanchoeKalanchoe speciesDepression, rapid breathing, teeth grinding, ataxia, paralysis
KaleBrassica oleraceaHaemolytic anaemia, goitre, possible reduced fertility
KingcupCaltha palustrisHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Laburnum (leaves, seeds)Laburnum anagyroidesToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
LantanaLantana camaraToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Larkspur (young plants & seeds)Delphinium speciesDigestive upset, nervousness, depression. Cardiovascular system affected. May cause dermatitis. Can be fatal.
LaurelPrunus speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Lenton roseHelleborus orientalisHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Leopard lilyBelamcanda speciesToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. May cause a skin allergy.
Leyland cypressCupressocyparis leylandiiHarmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy.
LilyLilium speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Lily of the Valley (leaves, flowers, roots)Convallaria speciesToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Lily of the Valley bushPieris japonica 
LobeliaLobelia speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy.
LocustRobinia speciesNausea and weakness
Lupin (leaves, seeds)Lupinus speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
MallowLavatera speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Maple TreeAcer species 
MarijuanaCannabis sativaContains hallucinogens.
Marsh marigoldCaltha palustrisHarmful if eaten in quantity.
May apple (apples, roots, foliage)Podophyllum peltatumSevere diarrhea. The nervous system is affected.
Meadow rueThalistrum delavayiHarmful if eaten in quantity.
MezereonDaphne mezereum 
MilkweedAscepias syriacaHarmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy.
Mistletoe (berries)Phoradendron flavescensGastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis. If eaten by a puppy, a few berries can be fatal.
MonkshoodAconitum napellusDigestive upset and nervous excitement. Cardiovascular system affected.
Morning glory (seeds, roots)Ipomea speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Moroccan broomCytisus battandieriHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Mother-in-law’s tongue (leaves)Dieffenbachia amaenaCauses diarrhea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis. Tremors, seizures, loss of
  balance, asphyxiation. Can be fatal.
Mountain laurelKalmia latifoliaHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Naked ladiesColchium speciesToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
NarcissusNarcissus (bulbs)

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. May cause dermatitis.

Can be fatal.

Needlepoint ivy (berries & leaves) Gastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis.
NerineNerine bowdenii 
NightshadesSolanum speciesIntense digestive disturbances. Can be fatal.

Oak tree (foliage &


Quercus speciesAffects kidneys. Symptoms appear after several days.
OleanderNerium oleanderAffects the heart, produces severe digestive upset, extremely poisonous. May cause dermatitis. Can be fatal.
OnionAllium speciesCauses anaemia. Onions should not be fed to dogs in any form.
Paspalum (seeds)Paspalum speciesDermatitis
Pasque flowerPulsatilla vulgarisHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Peace lilySpathiphyllum speciesGastrointestinal tract affected. May cause dermatitis.
Peach (stones & leaves)Prunus persicaContain cyanide.
Pencil cactusOpuntia leptocaulis 
Peony (roots)Paeonia species 
Peruvian lilyChlidanthus fragansHarmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy.
PhilodendronPhilodendron species (leaves)Causes diarrhea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis.
Pineapple broomCytisus battandieriHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Poinsettia (leaves, stems & sap)Euphorbia pulcherrimaDiarrhea, abdominal cramps, delirium. Sap can cause irritation and if rubbed in eyes, blindness. May also cause dermatitis.
Poison hemlockConium maculatum

Nervous system affected. May cause dermatitis.

Can be fatal.

Poison ivy (leaves, bark & fruit)Toxicodendron radicansPoisonous. Can cause severe blistering dermatitis if they come into contact with the skin.
Poison oak (leaves, bark & fruit)ToxicodendronMay cause dermatitis.
Poison sumacToxicodendron vernixPoisonous. Can cause severe blistering dermatitis if they come into contact with the skin.
PokerootPhytolacca americanaToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
PokeweedPhytolacca americanaToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Poppy (unripe seedpod)Papaver speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Potato (green skin & sprouts)Solanum tuberosum 
Prickly poppyArgemone mexicanaHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Primrose (leaves)Primula vulgarisUpset stomach. May cause dermatitis.
Privet (leaves)Ligustrum speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
RagwortSenecio speciesCauses kidney failure and liver damage which is irreversible. Minute doses fatal, often wrongly diagnosed.
Raisins and Grapes Causes kidney failure. Can be fatal.
RapeBrassicus napusIf ingested: vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal tenderness; if contact occurs: dermatitis (rare)
Red-ink plantPhytolacca americanaToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
RhododendronRhododendron speciesNausea, vomiting, depression, difficulty breathing and coma. Can be fatal.
Rhubarb (leaves)Rheum speciesLarge amounts of raw or cooked leaves can cause convulsions and coma. Can be fatal.
RosebayRhododendron aureumToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Rose periwinkleCatharanthus roseusHarmful if eaten in quantity.
RueRuta graveolensToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting. May cause a skin allergy.
Sago palmCycas revolutaCan be fatal
SavinJuniperus sabinaHarmful if eaten in quantity.
ScheffleraBrassaia actinophyllaHarmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy.
SilkweedAsclepias speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
SnowdropsGalanthus species 
Solomon’s sealPolygonatumHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Spider plantChlorophytum speciesMay cause vomiting and salivation.
Spruce TreePicea species 
SpurgeEuphorbia speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy.
SquillScilla speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Star-of-Bethlehem (bulbs)Ornithogalum species Harmful if eaten in quantity.
StarflowerSmilacina stellataHarmful if eaten in quantity.
St Johns WortHypericum perforatumHarmful if eaten in quantity.
String of pearls/beadsSenecio rowleyanus or herreianus 
Sweet pea (stem)Lathyrus odoratusHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Swiss cheese plantMonstera deliciosaCauses diarrhea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis.
Taro vineMonstera deliciosaCauses diarrhea and oral irritation if eaten. May cause dermatitis.
Tiger lilyLilium(Especially poisonous to cats)
Tobacco plant (leaves)NicotianaHarmful if eaten in quantity.
TobiraPittosporum tobira 
Tomato plant (green fruit, stem & leaves)Lycopersicon lycospersicum 
TulipTulipa speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity. May cause a skin allergy.
Umbrella plantSchlefflera speciesToxic if eaten, causing vomiting, and diarrhea.
Varnish treeToxicodendron vernicifluumPoisonous. Can cause severe blistering dermatitis if they come into contact with the skin.
Walnut (green hull juice)Juglans nigra 
Water hemlockCicuta maculataViolent painful convulsions. Can be fatal.
Wax treeToxicodendron succedaneumPoisonous. Can cause severe blistering dermatitis if they come into contact with the skin.
Weeping figFicus species 
Wild cherry tree (twigs & foliage)Prunus aviumGasping, excitement, prostration. Can be fatal.
WindflowerAnemone speciesHarmful if eaten in quantity.
Wisteria (pods, seeds)WisteriaNausea, repeated vomiting, stomach pains, severe diarrhea, dehydration and collapse.
WolfsbaneAconitum SeptentrionaleToxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
Woody nightshade Toxic if eaten, causing nausea and vomiting.
YarrowAchillea species 
Yew (berries & foliage)Taxus speciesDizziness, dry mouth and mydriasis develop within one hour, followed by abdominal cramping, salivation and vomiting. Foliage is more fatal than berries, death can be sudden without warning or symptoms. Can be fatal.

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