בוררים גנריים
התאמות מדויקות בלבד
חפש בכותרת
חפש בתוכן
בוחר סוגי פוסטים
<span class ="tr_" id="tr_1" data-source="" data-srclang="en" data-orig="Language Dropdown">Language Dropdown</span>
Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco
<span class ="tr_" id="tr_2" data-source="" data-srclang="en" data-orig="Language Selector">Language Selector</span>

Sound Therapy for Pets

We are delighted to have partnered with vets to offer you their range of sound-based treatment programmes for free.

Dogs that are safely and gradually exposed to many different experiences, including loud noises, during their essential socialisation period of 3 to 16 weeks of age, are often able to cope more effectively with novel, frightening sounds like fireworks or loud engine noises. The free downloads available below, contain a collection of specifically recorded noises that all puppies need to get used to, including domestic noises, traffic, fireworks and thunder.

About The Programmes

These sound-based treatment programmes were developed by two veterinary surgeons specialising in the field of pet behavioural therapy. All the products have been scientifically researched and come with a full set of instructions, which makes them easy to use and extremely effective.

*For the best use of these sound files we recommend listening via a browser*

Sounds Scary

Sounds Scary can help your dog deal with distressing noises such as fireworks. Sounds Scary is not only backed by years of clinical experience, it is also scientifically proven to be safe, effective and easy to use.

Main tracks

Track 1 Whistles And Whooshes (Continuous Sounds)

Track 2 Bangs And Pops (Continuous Sounds)

Track 3 Full Fireworks (Continuous Sounds)

Track 4 Individual Firework Sounds (Continuous Sounds)

Sounds Scary Supplementary Desensitisation Tracks

Sounds ScaryDistant Thunder

Sounds ScaryGunfire

Sounds ScaryHail

Sounds ScaryLoud Thunder

Sounds ScaryRain

Sounds Sociable

Sounds Sociable is designed to help puppies adapt to their new life as pets. It includes a collection of sounds that every puppy should be familiar with, including traffic, domestic noises, children, and fireworks. The supporting manual explains how to settle a puppy into a new home and how to deal with problems such as housetraining, play biting and settling a puppy at night.

The soundtracks 3137 are ones that some dogs will react to. They are also sounds that have the potential to alarm a puppy. If the puppy’s mother, or another dog in the household, already reacts to any of these sounds, then these tracks should not be played when that dog is present. When playing them to the puppy for the first time, start with a lower sound volume to avoid causing a fearful reaction.

1 Ambient environments

2 Construction noises

3 Engines

4 Animals

5 In the car

6 Aircraft

7 Cooking

8 Doors

9 Footsteps

10 Bathroom

11 Miscellaneous domestic sounds

12 Miscellaneous outdoor sounds

13 Miscellaneous transport sounds

14 Motorbikes

15 Office

16 Telephones

17 Traffic

18 Vacuum cleaners

19 Veterinary Clinic

20 Train, tube, bus

21 Garden and DIY

22 Children

23 Baby

24 Water noises

25 Washing and cleaning

26 Hail

27 Applause

28 Bleeps

29 Letterboxes, knocking, bins

30 Bells, buzzers, doorbells

31 Whistles and whooshes

32 Bangs

33 Fireworks

34 Guns

35 Thunder

36 Alarms

37 Growling and barking

Sounds Soothing

Sounds Soothing can help your dog deal with the arrival of a new baby, which can be a confusing time for them. This can help your dog cope with the sound of new noises, such as a baby crying.

Sounds SoothingChildren Playing

Sounds SoothingBaby Crying