בוררים גנריים
התאמות מדויקות בלבד
חפש בכותרת
חפש בתוכן
בוחר סוגי פוסטים
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Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco
<span class ="tr_" id="tr_1" data-source="" data-srclang="en" data-orig="Language Selector">Language Selector</span>

Sponsor a Pet

Canine and Feline companions - Sponsor a dog or a cat

The Humane Society of Morocco provides assistance and shelter to over a thousand dogs and cats and cares for many more every year both in veterinary offices and out on the street. Some of those dogs or cats require more time and attention than others. This can be for a variety of reasons, such as behavioral or medical issues.

By sponsoring a dog or a cat, not only you will change their life, but you'll also change the lives of many others in desperate situations. Your support will ensure that these dogs or cats receive the care they need and deserve.

When you join the Sponsor Club you will receive regular updates from your sponsor dog or cat throughout the year. Your gift will mean everything to your sponsor dog or cat, and the hundreds of other dogs and cats in our care.

Your gift of sponsorship will help fund shelter, food, medicine, and veterinary care for animals that have nowhere else to go and is used not only to help your sponsored dog or cat but all the other animals the Humane Society of Morocco cares for.

You can read the stories of the dogs and cats available to sponsor by visiting our catalog. Should you need any help with sponsoring the pet of your choice, please contact us at: 'info at spadumaroc dot com'.


מומלץ עבורך