
Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco

Teach Your Dog To Sit

Teach your dog to sit

Teaching your dog to sit will help to keep them safe when you’re out and about. It can be used when meeting people, before crossing a road, or in a queue.

It is also polite behavior that is a good starting point for a number of exercises.

Here’s what you should and shouldn’t do when teaching your pup to sit

Stand in front of your pooch and show them you have a treat in your

  1. Move the treat from the end of your pup’s nose and over their head.
  2. As their head follows the treat, their bottom should touch the floor. Mark and reward them when this happens.
  3. Once your pooch has the hang of this, repeat the above steps but without the treat in your hand. Remember to still mark and reward when they sit on the floor though.
  4. When your pup is reliably sitting, you can introduce your verbal cue. Say “sit”, then use your hand gesture. Mark when their bottom is on the floor and reward them.
  5. Over time your pup will begin to sit as soon as they hear the word.

What not to do:

Don’t push their bottom down, simply continue the above until they get the hang of it. Also, avoid saying “sit down” as they may get confused once you move on to the next cue… Now your pooch knows how to sit, why not teach them to lie down to check out our top 10 tips to help ensure your training is a success.

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