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المطابقات الدقيقة فقط
البحث في العنوان
البحث في المحتوى
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Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco
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What to Do When You Find
an Injured or Ill Animal

What to do when you find an injured or ill animal?

If you find a sick, injured, or vulnerable animal please do not wait for associations to intervene: call a طبيب بيطري or take the animal to their clinic ASAP. Most associations are overwhelmed with their cases and finances.

At the Humane Society of Morocco, our mission is to help animals in need. However, due to limited resources and the high number of requests, we may not always be able to respond immediately to every emergency.
Therefore, it’s important to know what steps you can take to help an injured or sick animal you encounter.

Immediate Steps to Take

1. Assess the Situation: Before approaching the animal, observe from a distance. Determine if the animal is truly in need of help. Injured animals can be scared and may react defensively.

2. Ensure Safety: Your safety is paramount. Approach the animal slowly and cautiously. If the animal appears aggressive or is in a dangerous location (like a busy road), call for professional help.

3. Use Protective Gear: If you have gloves, wear them to protect yourself from potential bites or scratches.

4. Contain the Animal: If it’s safe to do so, gently contain the animal in a secure, quiet place, such as a box or a carrier. This helps keep the animal calm and prevents further injury.

5. Contact Local Authorities: Reach out to local veterinary clinics, animal shelters, or rescue groups for immediate assistance. They might have resources to provide urgent care.

6. Provide Basic First Aid: If you are knowledgeable and it’s safe to do so, provide basic first aid. For example, stop bleeding with a clean cloth or bandage. Do not attempt to feed or give water to an unconscious or semi-conscious animal.

7. Document the Situation: Take note of the location, the condition of the animal, and any potential hazards. Photos and videos can also be helpful for authorities and veterinarians.

Long-term Care and Support

1. Follow Up: After the initial intervention, follow up with the organization or authority you contacted to ensure the animal receives continued care.

2. Foster or Adopt: If you are in a position to do so, consider fostering the animal until a permanent home can be found. This can significantly reduce the burden on shelters and rescue organizations.

3. Educate and Advocate: Spread awareness about responsible pet ownership and the importance of helping injured or ill animals. Encourage others to get involved and support local animal welfare initiatives.

Injured or Sick Animal FAQs

Get answers to common questions.

Contact local emergency veterinary services or animal control. In main cities, there is 24-hour services available for animal emergencies.

While we appreciate your willingness to help, please contact us first. We need to ensure we have the resources and space to accommodate the animal.

Due to limited resources, we may not always be able to take in injured animals immediately. Please contact us first to discuss the situation and see how we can assist.

If the animal is in a dangerous situation or appears aggressive, do not attempt to approach it. Contact local animal control or professional rescuers who are trained to handle such situations.

You can help by spreading the word, donating to animal welfare organizations, or volunteering your time. Every bit of support makes a difference.

Basic first aid includes stopping bleeding, securing the animal to prevent further injury, and keeping it calm and warm. Avoid giving any medications unless advised by a veterinarian.

You can find local veterinarians هنا and animal protection associations هنا. These resources provide comprehensive listings to help you locate the nearest and recommended veterinary services and animal shelters.

Advocate for responsible pet ownership, support spay/neuter programs, and educate others about the importance of looking out for animals in distress. Preventative measures can significantly reduce the number of injured animals.

After a reasonable period and exhaustive efforts to find the owner, you may consider adopting the animal yourself or finding a new home through local shelters and rescue groups. Ensure the animal receives proper care and a loving environment.

Your compassion and quick action can make a significant difference in the lives of injured and ill animals. Thank you for being a responsible and caring member of our community. For more information or to report an animal in need, please contact us at [info at spadumaroc dot com].

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