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Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco
<span class ="tr_" id="tr_1" data-source="" data-srclang="en" data-orig="Language Selector">Language Selector</span>

Финансовое положение

Financial reporting

At the Humane Society of Morocco, we are deeply committed to fiscal accountability and transparency.

We provide monthly updates to ensure our donors and supporters have clear insights into the financial state of our charity.

To date, we have not received external donations, and the Humane Society of Morocco operates entirely on the personal funds of its founder.

Explore our interactive financial report below to view a detailed breakdown of our expenses from the past five years to the present.

<span class ="tr_" id="tr_12" data-source="" data-orig="Charity Expenses Chart">Charity Expenses Chart</span>
На этой диаграмме показана еженедельная разбивка расходов:

  • Animal Care:
    Ветеринарная помощь, Продукты питания, Расходные материалы
  • Adoption, Education, and Outreach
  • Operational:
    Лицензирование, Канцелярские товары, Маркетинг
  • Emergency Funds
  • Legal
  • Miscellaneous
Уход за животными
Adoption / Education
Чрезвычайная ситуация

Помогите нам помочь животным

Наша благотворительная организация надеется, что мы сможем повысить осведомленность и распространить информацию о гуманном обращении с животными в Марокко.

We want the best for them and hope you can help us. A donation would be greatly appreciated if you would like to show your gratitude. Every gift supports our work towards a world where each pet’s life experience will be as good as possible. If you want to learn more and donate, please visit наша страница пожертвований.

Спасибо от всех нас в Обществе защиты животных Марокко и от имени животных.

Рекомендуется для вас

  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Arabic
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Dutch
  • Russian
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Hebrew
Подписывайтесь на нас