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Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco
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The Humane Society of Morocco (HSM) also known as la Société Protectrice des Animaux du Maroc (SPA du Maroc), is a registered charity organization in Morocco dedicated to promoting the human-animal bond and the humane treatment of all animals. Every day animals in Morocco suffer. We need to help them and, with your help, we can.
We began more than 20 years ago, helping all kinds of animals in Morocco. Now we are a team of volunteers rescuing and rehabilitating hundreds of animals nationwide.


We provide first aid as soon as possible, mobilizing resources to ensure animals receive essential treatment. Our volunteers watchfully patrol their areas, assessing the health and well-being of the animals to ensure they are safe, healthy & protected.

حالات الطوارئ

نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لتقديم الرعاية الطارئة على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع للحيوانات التي تعاني من مشاكل صحية تتطلب عناية فورية.

قطة يتم تعقيمها


نحن نساعد المجتمعات والسلطات المحلية والدولة في التحكم في الزيادة العددية لحيوانات الشوارع.

يتم تطعيم الكلب


We offer vaccines to reduce the risk of spreading harmful & potentially fatal diseases.

الرفاهية العامة

We are working hard to introduce an animal welfare law in Morocco to ensure that all animals can live free from pain and suffering.

Our Achievements


الحيوانات التي تم إنقاذها


Dogs Adopted


Cats & Dogs Neutered


Actions & Demonstrations






متطوع طيران

تبرع بالمعدات

مضيف مؤقت


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