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Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco
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Contact Us

How to find us

We are based in Rabat and Casablanca area. We primarily service the capital & the surrounding regions even though we do our best to help animals nationwide and sometimes even globally.

Thank you for your interest in reaching out to us at the HSM/SPA du Maroc. We appreciate your dedication to animal welfare and welcome any inquiries, feedback, or support you may have.

Have a question, concern, or suggestion? We’re here to help!

Please fill out the form below to get in touch with us.

Whether you want to report animal cruelty, inquire about our programs, learn more about how you can help us help animals, or share your thoughts, we value your input and will respond promptly.

If you find a sick, injured, or vulnerable animal, please do not wait for associations to intervene: call a veterinarian or take the animal to their clinic ASAP. Most charities are overwhelmed with their cases and finances.

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