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Société Protectrice
des Animaux du Maroc

The Humane Society
of Morocco
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Getting or buying a dog

Owning a dog

Having a dog can be a great and rewarding relationship. However, it is also a very big commitment, demanding time, money and care. Before getting a dog you should think about your lifestyle and carefully consider what kind of dog you get, and where you get it from.

Are you dog ready?

How to adopt a dog?

What to do when
you want to buy a puppy?

What are the benefits of owning a dog?

Looking after or rehoming an older dog

Responsible dog ownership:
A dog owners guide

Dogs and cats living together

Do you have time for a dog
if you have a full-time job?
Malinese and Huskies
as pets in Morocco

Moroccan beldis stray dogs

Owning a dog when you’re pregnant: your questions answered

Owning a dog when you’re allergic:
your questions answered

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